#10 Best Bird Watching Destinations in the World 2025

Jessica Andrews
3 min readJun 26, 2024


Today! In this paragraph, Bird watching, or birding, is a beloved pastime that combines the thrill of discovery with the tranquility of nature.

The world is home to a vast array of bird species, and some destinations stand out as exceptional places to observe these fascinating creatures. Here are some of the best bird-watching destinations in the world, each offering unique and unforgettable experiences.

1. Pantanal, Brazil

The Pantanal is the world’s largest tropical wetland, spanning Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. This biodiverse paradise hosts over 650 bird species. Highlights include the striking Hyacinth Macaw.

The vibrant Toco Toucan, and the elusive Jabiru Stork. The best time to visit is during the dry season (July to October) when birds congregate around shrinking water sources.

2. Kruger National Park, South Africa

Kruger National Park is one of Africa’s premier wildlife reserves, home to over 500 bird species. Bird enthusiasts can spot the Southern Ground Hornbill, Lilac-breasted Roller, and Martial Eagle.

The park’s diverse habitats, from savannas to forests, offer excellent bird-watching opportunities year-round, with November to February being prime months for bird activity.

3. Yellowstone National Park, USA

Yellowstone, the first national park in the world, is not only famous for its geothermal features but also for its bird life.

Over 300 bird species inhabit the park, including the Bald Eagle, Trumpeter Swan, and American Dipper. Spring and early summer are ideal times for bird watching, as migratory birds return and begin nesting.

4. Danube Delta, Romania

The Danube Delta is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Europe’s most important wetland areas.

With over 300 bird species, it’s a haven for bird watchers. Key species include the Dalmatian Pelican, Pygmy Cormorant, and the Red-breasted Goose. The best time to visit is from April to September when migratory birds are present.

5. Hokkaido, Japan

Hokkaido is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and diverse bird life. The island is famous for the Red-crowned Crane, a symbol of longevity and good fortune in Japan.

Winter is the best time to see these cranes, as they gather in large numbers for courtship displays. Other notable birds include the Steller’s Sea Eagle and Blakiston’s Fish Owl.

6. Mindo, Ecuador

Mindo, located in the cloud forests of Ecuador, is a bird watcher’s paradise with over 500 bird species.

This biodiverse hotspot is known for its numerous hummingbirds, tanagers, and the Andean Cock-of-the-rock. The best time for bird watching in Mindo is from December to May when bird activity is at its peak.

7. Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Raja Ampat, an archipelago off the coast of West Papua, is a remote and pristine bird-watching destination.

The islands are home to the Wilson’s Bird-of-paradise, Red Bird-of-paradise, and the Western Crowned Pigeon. Bird watching here is best from October to April, during the dry season.

8. Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a bird watcher’s dream, with its rich biodiversity and varied ecosystems.

The country boasts over 900 bird species, including the Resplendent Quetzal, Scarlet Macaw, and Keel-billed Toucan. The best bird-watching months are from December to April, during the dry season.

9. New Guinea

New Guinea, the world’s second-largest island, offers unparalleled bird-watching opportunities.

It is home to over 700 bird species, including the famous Birds-of-paradise, such as the Raggiana Bird-of-paradise and the Blue Bird-of-paradise. Bird watching is excellent year-round, but the dry season (June to September) is preferable.

10. Galápagos Islands, Ecuador

The Galápagos Islands are a unique bird-watching destination due to their endemic species and minimal human impact.

Related Post: Top 9 Best Bird Watching Destinations in the World 2024

Key species include the Blue-footed Booby, Galápagos Penguin, and the Waved Albatross. The best time to visit is from December to May, when bird activity and breeding are at their peak.



Jessica Andrews

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